Ebi Furai (Fried Prawn)

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Ebi Furai

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Ebi Furai ('海老フライ', is classified into deep-fried dish), is known as Fried Prawn in English, and 日式炸虾 (Rì shì zhà xiā) in Chinese.
Rare :
Japanese (日本語)

1.Other names

Deep-fried Prawn, Deep-fried Shrimp.

 The general overview

2.The basic ingredients

Shrimp, Egg, Wheat Flour, Oil, Breadcrumbs, Salt.

3.The different ingredients according to the restaurants

Pepper, Sugar, Soy Sauce.

4.Type of cooking



Tasty (Sweet).

6.Serving temperature

Warm, Hot.

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Category : Frying 24.10.2014


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